Ingrid Nyborg participated in the first regional European conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health
Ingrid Nyborg participated in the first regional European conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health

Ingrid Nyborg head of ICT4COP Center attended the ‘Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH) 2023 conference at Umeå University in Sweden from 21-23rd May. LEPH 2023 is the first regional European conference exploring the complex and diverse intersections of law enforcement and public health, involving practitioners, policy makers and researchers from these and other related sectors.
At LEPH Ingrid Nyborg was invited to speak on ‘Human Security Perspectives and Police Reform in Post Conflict Contexts’. The conference brought European researchers and practitioners from law enforcement and health to discuss innovations in law enforcement and health cooperation and collaboration. The presentations were excellent, and it was a unique opportunity to discuss both how the work of ICT4COP in post-conflict contexts is relevant in the European context, and the other way around as well.