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The Center for Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform

An international and interdisciplinary research and learning center hosted by the Department of International Environment and Development Studies at NMBU.

Center leadership

The ICT4COP Center is headed by Ingrid Nyborg, Department of International Environment and Development Studies, NMBU.
Head of Center

Ingrid Nyborg

Ingrid Nyborg spent the early years of her career working with research and education programs in agriculture and resource management issues in Africa and South Asia. She now specializes in post-conflict and post-crisis development in South Asia, with a focus on Pakistan and Afghanistan. She has since 2005 been studying rural livelihoods in Afghanistan, focusing on participatory methods and co-production of knowledge with local development organizations as an example of capacity-building research. Her focus in Pakistan has been the study of human security, gender and development in the Swat Valley, where she explores how local perceptions of security and development compare with the policy narratives. She also is studying humanitarian policy and social vulnerability to climate change in Pakistan, where she has conducted fieldwork in Swat and Sindh, areas hard hit by the 2010 superfloods. In 2015 she received funding from the EC Horizon 2020 research program for a five-year study of Community-Based Policing in Post-Conflict Police Reform. This is a global study of 11 case countries where she and her team of international researchers are studying examples of alternative, non-militarized forms of policing which focus on trust-building, and broader understandings of security and well-being, as well as the use of ICT. She is currently the Head of the Center for Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform (ICT4COP Center), based at the Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
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Useful resources for implementing Community Oriented Policing


Examples of promising practices and specific recommendations

E-learning course

For international police advisors engaged in implementing Community Oriented Policing


Information on research projects, issues, questions, and findings available.