Welcome to our new intern for Autumn semester

I am David Bawi Tha Sang from Myanmar (Burma). I am a second-year student studying bachelor’s program in International Development and Environment Studies at Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU). I have another bachelor’s degree in international relations from Dagon University, Myanmar (Burma). I have been working in the field of human rights, gender equality and security sector since 2019 in various non-government organizations (NGOs).
As the security sector is one of my main focus areas, I took the international relations, security and development course last semester which was delivered by Prof: Ingrid Nyborg. Since that time, I was super interested and passionate to do an internship at ICT4COP to enhance my professional skills. Moreover, community-oriented policing (COP) and post-conflict police reform are crucial key elements to have peace and stability for my home country. Therefore, I want to apply and exercise the experiences and knowledge from this internship in my community for the purpose of community development.