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The Center for Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform is joined by four new interns this semester! Here is an introduction of Tomas, Garima, Franklina and Jacob.

Photo Credit: Enoch Sablah

Photo: Enoch Sablah

Tomas Bue Kessel

Hello! My name is Tomas Bue Kessel. I am a second-year student enrolled into the International Relations Master’s program at the NMBU. Previously, I have a Bachelor’s in Global Studies from the University of Auckland, New Zealand. In my second semester at NMBU, I enrolled in the Community-Orientated Policing course. I found it interesting how policing ultimately has so much to with nation building and how it so clearly interconnects with a sustainable society.

In my past education, I have explored thematic such as the importance of institutions, or democracy or proper governance for a functioning state, but hardly have I ever touched upon the topic of policing. Thus, the course was enlightening,- in that regard. It definitely caught my interest. As such, I am excited to be an intern at the ICT4COP Centre!

I am looking forward to be a part of the Centre and partake in the various challenges and activities!

Photo: Enoch Sablah

Garima Gautam

My name is Garima Gautam and I am from India. I am a Master’s student in International Relations at NMBU. I have a Bachelor of Arts in English with Honors, as well as a minor in political science and public administration. I am thrilled to be an intern for the ICT4COP Center and eager to devote my time and efforts to it. This internship appeals to me as both a stimulating and rewarding opportunity. I must say that the course I took last spring inspired me greatly- EDS391-1 22V International Relations, Security, Conflict, and Development: Understanding Post-Conflict Police and Security Reform. In addition, I am an avid reader of conflict studies and a supporter of post-conflict security sector reforms.

This course has given me a better understanding of the security industry. Furthermore, Professor Ingrid’s passion for this course and Center is contagious, and as a result, I am equally enthusiastic about the topic of post-conflict scenarios and the collaborative efforts of police and community to bring about peace and stability. I am currently working on my thesis topic, which is women international police advisors’ experiences with gender initiatives and how this influences their work in their home countries.

I am excited to be a part of all the exciting things that are yet to happen this semester and to align that with everything that I can contribute to.

Photo: Enoch Sablah

Franklina Aku Mifetu

I am Franklina Aku Mifetu. I am a Ghanaian currently living in Norway. I moved to Norway in 2021 to pursue my Master’s in International Relations. I have previously obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology in Ghana. I have previously worked in law and administrative services.

My interest in ICT4COP sparked as a result of taking EDS-391: Understanding Post-Conflict Police and Security Reform. The course is taught by Ingrid Louise Peck Nyborg who also heads the ICT4COP Center. Through this course, I came to the realisation of how crucial community-oriented policing is especially following the unfortunate events happening around us in present times. I am hopeful that through this internship I can greatly contribute to this Center by applying what I have been learning over the years. I believe this internship will help me acquire new insights into the emerging project at the ICT4COP Center.

I am ready to entirely commit and contribute to the overall success of this Center.

Photo: Enoch Sablah

Jacob Handegaard Skrogstad

My name is Jacob Handegaard Skrogstad. I come from Stjørdal, a city in North-Trønderlag, Norway. I have just finished my Bachelor’s in International Environment and Development Studies at Noragric, and am now starting my Master’s in International Relations! I am very passionate about SDG 16: Peace, justice, and strong institutions. The course and internship will give me valuable insights to how we can contribute to the security field internationally. During my Bachelor’s I was drawn towards the field of international relations with a focus on security.

In my last semester of the Bachelor, I enrolled in EDS-391: Understanding Post-Conflict Police and Security Reform, a very engaging course illuminating the difficulties policing in post-conflict countries entail. In addition, I found the course to be interdisciplinary allowing me to use the skills attained in my Bachelor’s. Starting my Master’s, I was very lucky to get the ICT4COP Center internship already in my first semester!

Looking forward to working with the team and my fellow interns and the ICT4COP team!


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