Center for Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform

Impacting Lives Together

The Center for Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform (or ICT4COP Center) is an international and interdisciplinary research and learning center hosted by the Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Faculty of Landscape and Society, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)


This initiative led to the establishment of a constructive dialogue between officers and residents, fostering mutual respect and collaboration.


A community engagement initiative significantly improved police transparency, leading to heightened trust and cooperative partnerships.


Workshops organized on conflict resolution and community outreach equipped participants with skills to address issues collaboratively.

Our history

Learn about the center’s beginnings and how it has grown over time.

Where we work

We are proud to work with partners n a wide range of countries. 

See our events

We conduct  and host various events to improve knowledge and training.

ICT4COP interviews

Check our collection of interviews to get an inside look at the work we do and the people behind it.

Know our team

Our advisory group is made up from a well-rounded and qualified  academic team that shapes our decisions and keeps us ahead in our field.

Work with us

Gain valuable experience in policy makingwith our internship program-apply today!

Do you want to know more about ICT4COP?

Contact Us

Send us your queries, and we'll respond promptly with assistance.

ICT4COP project

The online resource for ICT4COP - a European Commission Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation.

Click here

Our Location

We are located at Noragric - Faculty of Landscape and Society at NMBU.

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Say hello to our new Interns!

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